martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


France’s production of apples and pears has decreased of 25% this year compared to 2011; it was revealed by the Minister of Agriculture. On September 1st, pear’s production was estimated to be 124.800 tons, 25% less compared to last year and 21% less compared to the average of the last five years.
03/10/2012 12:56

Unfavourable climate conditions in Spring are for the most part the cause for this strong decrease which was especially strong in Central regions and in the Rohne-Alps regions. The decrease in the production for this regions has been estimated at -52% and -42% each. The most hit varieties are the Williams and the Comice.

With and estimated profit of 1.391 millions of tons, apple’s production for the year 2012 is the smallest of the last ten years. This year’s production has lowered of 23% compared to the average of the last five years.

In this case too, the bad climate conditions in Spring (freeze, rainfalls, hail) have been a remarkable factor. Especially hit by this was the Limosino region, with production losses of almost 90% because of the freeze. The Provence-Alps-Azure Riviera (PACA) region is the only one in France to have registered an increase in the production compared to 2011. The productive decrease concerns the Golden varieties in particular.

Holland’s importers indicate that the French don’t want to give informations on the harvest of apples and pears. The prices are still quite high and there’s a lot of uncertainty on the market. The demand for French apples is usually good; that’s why the brand for Royal Galas are sold at about 20 euros while the less known ones are sold at about 18 euros. As for Granny Smith apples, the prices are the same. Red apples are not much on the whole. It is estimated that the prices will remain stable or they will increase.

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