miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

EU-Colombia trade agreement signed.

With 503 millions inhabitants, Europe can count on almost three times more consumers than nations like Mexico or Russia.

The European GDP per capita is of 34.000 dollars, it’s 4 times higher than the Colombian one.
Overall, Europe is the biggest importer in the world. Thanks to the trade agreement that will be effective in short times between the EU and Colombia, the products of the latter Country will be able to enter the big European market at lower rates.

Once the agreemend will be in effect, customs on fresh fruit imports will go from 8.8% to zero. Last year, Europe imported 262.6 millions of dollars of fresh fruit, 39.7 of which concerned imports coming from Colombia.
This new agreement will prove to be an excellent opportunity.

Source: Freshplaza

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