martes, 22 de enero de 2013

First load of Pears from Argentina season 2013.

"Frio Olympic", the first merchant ship this season to enter the port services terminal managed by Patagonia Norte, is being loaded with fruit that is to be shipped directly to Europe.

The ship arrived on Sunday 13 January and it entered the terminal's active sector on Monday. The loading only began on Thursday due to lack of agreement with the main agricultural unions regarding wages, which had delayed the harvest.

This is also the reason why the loading took longer, because the goods, mainly pears, still needed to arrive.

While they awaited the arrival of the pears from Valle del Tulum, workers started loading the ship with grapes from San Juan, which also form part of the cargo.

In total, the ship is transporting 3,800 pallets. 2,200 of those correspond to grapes and the rest (2,600 pallets) to pears.

The ship arrived from Brazil, and once the loading concludes, it will leave directly towards its final destination, which is Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.


Publication date: 1/22/2013

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